An evening with Avatarium Live in Stockholm January 2020
28 aug 2020 03:16 - 29 aug 2020 07:40Repris98910 USDSend us your email address and get a free DVD cover and some more goodies.
Thank you for sharing such a wonderful evening with us all. Definitely was a magical performance. Best wishes to you all!
thank you all! If you have any problem please send a text to info@avatarium.se and we'll try to help you! Best regards, Marcus .
It is a pleasure to support you guys! I cannot wait to see you in concert! Love from Portugal!
Simply amazing! Cheers from Brazil!!! I hope we can see you guys touring in Brazil someday!
Hello, Can you send me the dvd cover artwork etc to juliaspencer49@btinternet.com Thanks
Un des plus grands que j’ai jamais entendu. Des artistes fabuleux, parmi les plus prometteurs de la nouvelle génération. Un couple lead guitare/chant juste incroyable, avec une ligne rythmique solide, puissante et qui sait être inventive. Avec AVATARIUM, on se rappelle aux souvenirs des plus mythiques comme BLACK SABBATH, LED ZEPPELIN et DEEP PURPLE. Longue vie à eux. Pour mon pote Ben. PAPABORDG.
Great and MArcus is incredible , you can send a gift to my best friend at boneshxc@gmail.com . Cheers
Hi guys, great concert! If you would be so kind to send the artwork to david.nagel82@gmx.de, that would be awesome. Thanks!
Hi, please send me the artwork for Avatarium show to jonnywannab@gmail.comThank you very much
Great concert, perfect sound. thank you Avatarium. Please send the cover to matthias.buehrle@web.de
Absolutely on fire guys!... The best ya've ever looked and sounded, keep making great music! 🤘😊🖤
I have been a big fan of your music ever since I saw you perform at Hammer of Doom in 2014. Please send a copy a the cover to theo_utrider@web.de
I´m still impressed.... Wonderful gig :-) ! Great Song Collection ! Please send the cover to carsten_ross@yahoo.de
Still enchanted from your gig here at Munich two years ago! Pleasure to support you this way in these difficult times. Nevertheless I do hope to see you again at close range asap in better times !!! Stay safe and rock on!
Worth it just to see Marcus nail and extend that solo on 'Pearls and Coffins' :-) . Great!
I purchased this show as soon as it was available and in it is incredible as everyone agree. I downloaded the Full Hd version and I was just wondering -after seeing it many, many times- if there would be any chance to get an even larger file for it. Quality of image and sound is amazing for the full hd version, but I would love to get a larger file if possible. Any possibilities?
Hello everyone. Thank you very much for supporting Avatarium!!! Please send the email to : info@avatarium.se . Best regards, Marcus
What an amazing show! "Pearls and coffin" is so epic and full of emotion! I'm so happy to have purchase this live show! I hope to see you again in France soon!
Hello Avatarium, great Show. Thank you very much. Please send the Cover to: andreassonic@freenet.de
Saw Avatarium in small shows in London and Paris, really hoping to see them again soon.
If I never get to see them live, this will be close enough. So incredible! My first show as a kid was Black Sabbath. I'm still a Sabbs fan, but Avatarium are right up there! And I'm not talking about doom or metal, they transcend and label.
I recorded the concert and I listened to it many times. Now I follow each song listening and the studio version and following carefully the lyrics. Really Jennie Ann and the guitar of Marcus conquered me. I discovered lately Avatarium but it's a real music here. Masters!!🤘🙏🧡
of course Marcus, thanks so much for this video concert with an awesome sound and quality filming. Great memories for me and Loic about this concert and meet the band. Thanks for your Music
Hi everyone and thank you for supporting Avatarium!! If you want the cover please send a mail to info@avatarium.se. If you like the concert movie as much as we do please tell a friend and help spreading the dark gospel of Avatarium!
i would appreciate if you could please send me the Blu ray cover to this email: j.navarra@hotmail.com . Tks
I think you're the leaders of doom metal. Each member is a real master. And the solos of Marcus...wow!😮
I'm 1000 miles away but now I teleported to your room.Great concert, thanks! Jennie-Ann, you're formidable!🤘🧡.
Ordered! :-) Does the DVD cover come automatically with the stream or do you need my e-mail address another time?